BeTteR PRojects
BTRPR is established to offer better (IT) Project Management, Program Management, SAP Management and Project Controlling as a service. Since the year 2004 Bjorn Tammer, founder and owner, has built up broad experience in managing Projects and Programs within various industries and now offers his services as an independent professional. For an extensive CV of Bjorn you can contact us via the contact page on this website.
Our network ensures that we can make the difference …
Although Bjorn Tammer concerns only one person, we always speak from the ‘greater we’ on this website, and this has a reason. BTRPR is a lean organization, but we can use our partner network for assignments. Over the years, we have come to know good (independent) consultants and smaller companies that can really make a difference, and we can collaborate with these partners for your assignment. This can also be done in a construction where BTRPR acts as an umbrella company. That is why we can always think and act from the greater perspective.
As a company, BTRPR aims to execute the projects we work on BeTteR than any other. We do this by using three starting points:
During an introduction, we can tell you more about the above starting points.
Behind the BTRPR logo there is a story that we would like to share with you. We believe that simplifying projects leads to a higher chance of success and better results. The removal of complexity is an important topic on our agenda, and to emphasize on this simplification, we have decided to make the design of the BTRPR logo in a simple but professional way. With the design of the logo, the strategy of three is used again.
The logo consists of three elements. First, the company name has been incorporated in the logo, with which BTRPR is recognizable as a brand. Secondly, our services add value to projects by deploying the right people with the right knowledge. Because people are central to the service we provide, the people have been incorporated in our logo. As a third element, the logo contains the way to improvement, symbolized by the path on which people walk with the upward trend.
The colors of our brand logo tell you what we stand for …
We deliberately chose three colors in our logo. For those who notice, the person icon in the logo has the color Gray. This color stands for solid and reliable. This is because we ourselves strive for these qualities and look for these qualities in our partners. Orange stands for our ambition, success and the confidence we have to help our customers. The Blue color stands for trust, loyalty, integrity and the intelligence that we hope to add to your project.
Interested in more about our company and/ or our brand, do not hesitate to contact us.
In addition to being founder and owner of BTRPR, Bjorn Tammer is mainly found in the field as managing projects is his passion. Since 2004, he has built up a solid track record in leading and controlling programs and projects within a wide variety of industries. The most recent years, Bjorn has specialized in (SAP) ERP, CRM and E-commerce implementations.